Mensajes : 140 Fecha de inscripción : 01/08/2013 Edad : 40
Tema: MAPA: ALIABA BREGION 04/11/13, 08:53 am
Author: McNools Author Website:
Requirements: Arma 2
Version: 1.1 Signed: Yes, serverkey included
Short description: Aliabad is a coastal region somewhere in Takistan (or another similar country), it consists of some farmlands, settlements, rolling hills and some canyons.
Description: Aliabad is a coastal region somewhere in Takistan (or another similar country), it consists of some farmlands, settlements, rolling hills and some canyons. There are two main farmlands aswell as a few scattered farms and compounds all over the map, all in all it is much more populated than my previous map, Hazar-Kot. It is still a rather worn-down area though, with many ruins (some old, some new) here and there.
Installation: As we always recommend use modfolders to seperate the custom content from the official game content to prevent problems. For different ways to set up your modfolders and use them please visit our FAQ.
When you are using the Steam version you can find a Steam mod installation and activation FAQ here.
Included .pbo files: mcn_aliabad.pbo
Known issues: - Satmap might not fit the terrain perfectly in all places - might be some objects sticking into each other at a few places - some walls might be a bit badly aligned - Might be some script errors in the intro-movie
Find any issues? contact me (under the name McNools) at [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo] or email me at [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo], please don't email if you have general questions about making addons work etc. try the bohemia interactive-forums for such questions.
Changelog: v1.1 added a small new village, more compounds, ruins, rocks and various details to the area between the northern farmlands and the coast. added more buildings to the village of Abad, making it a bit larger. lowered a few buildings to try and avoid the AI from falling through the floor when entering. added a couple of lamps to Abad and Ahmad Golam. added a few more markers to the map (named a couple of ridges and such)
Credits & Thanks: Terrain/satmap/texture editing/objects, most of the work: Me (McNools) Original textures etc: Bohemia Interactive Studios Config base: SgtAce (from his tutorial sample map) Intro-movie (the one playing in the main menu): colonel stagler
Alpha/Beta-testing etc: CameronMcDonald colonel stagler and TF86 Lennard VCRaptor DetCord Fox '09
Help with custom horizons (config work): PvPscene Robster Serclaes